LLP Property Management


—LLP Property Management can provide onsite inspections and project management for  large projects, such as, platform refurbishment, platform upgrades, maintenance and corrosion repairs to smaller projects, such as, flowline hook-ups.
—We are also able to support pipeline projects from new installations to flushing and filling, abandonments along with coil tubing cleanout and integrity testing.
—Our dive inspectors have supervised projects from pipeline tie-ins, hot tap installations and pipeline repairs to abandonments along with jacket repairs and anode retrofits. We can also support Level 3 inspections including ROV operations
—Major Platform Projects:
—GI 301: Refurbishment of 4 pile 60MCFD manned platform. Also, fabrication of a 60 ft water depth, jacket and offshore installation.
—VR 380 & EC 2: Total refurbishment of platforms due to fire damage.
—EC 265: Fabricated jacket and deck along with offshore hookup.
—NP A12: Refurbishment of 3 pile unmanned platform. Also, fabrication of a 224 ft water depth, jacket and offshore installation.
—GI 43 Complex: 15 Million dollar platform repair due to corrosion issues.

New Installations
—New installations of 3” to 8” in OD lines, 8,000 ft to 16,000 ft long in water depth from 30 ft to 325 ft
—Integrity Testing
—GI 43AA – 10” line 59,865 ft long
—VR 35B – 20” line 154,704 ft long
—SM 26812” line 227,733 ft long
—Coil Tubing Cleanout
—SP 62C – 6” pipeline 12,682’ in 355 ft water depth
—PL10B – 8” pipeline 35,000’ in 35 ft water depth
—PL11F – 4” pipeline 2,337’ in 35 ft water depth
—SS178A – 8” pipeline 13,700’ in 85 ft water depth

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